Kendall’s hair is lighter these days, but do you recognize her smile?
At the pinnacle of this pyramid is multiple-cognoscenti Kyle Caldwell of Atlanta. Kyle donated the fabulous Martin guitar that students play while they’re on campus. He’s currently in charge of creating the Laughlin Stone on which you’ll stand after dark to see the North Star hovering above the handcrafted sword embedded in the top of the tower parapet.
In the foreground (on top the grand piano) is Sarah Klenke, the Wizard of Ads partner spearheading the development of a business management program for dentists nationwide. Leaning in toward Kendall is Wizard of Ads partner Anthony Oldham of Nashville, a major-league hitter.
Also in that class was Ken Robinson. Read his email below and then see if you can pick him out in the picture. This was a great bunch.