A couple of weeks ago I said Wizzo was
“a Goober with an iPhone who has no idea what he’s doing”
when he’s shooting video with it. I worried that I might get
in trouble for saying that. Remember?
Anyway, Wizzo saw it and decided my punishment
would be to wear a ridiculous party hat and watch a
very good video of Matt the Electrician singing and
telling a story on the campus of Wizard Academy
during the wizard’s 50th birthday party.
That video has received more
than 17,000 views on YouTube.
click your answer
This is Wizzo’s very bouncy iPhone video of the progress on the new
bookstore/welcome center at Wizard Academy. Like I said, he’s not
very good at this but I’ve got to leave it to him regardless because
dogs don’t have fingers and thumbs. – Indiana Beagle