These are the winners of the promised prize for particularly
well-crafted answers in their offers of perspective:
Kita Szpak
Vera Snook
Andrea Marrs
Scott Fraser
John Russell
Melvin Hall
Roger Cook
Angela Greenway
K. N. Ghiglione
Phil Wrzesinski
Chester Hull
John Small
Chris McAlister
Jessica Clark
Dee Robinson
Charles Huthmaker
Kevin Klenke DDS
Dave Young
Garrison Cox
Daniel Fryar
Michael Griffis
Danny Snook
Rev. John Rock
Vi Wickam
Christina Gressianu
Jessica Riley?
Robert Snyder
Bryan Kennedy
Donald Bailey
Huntly Ketchen
Allan G. Lie
Lance McWilliams
Glen Hildebrandt
Hugh A. Benham
Jim Wade
Ann Papenfuss
John Prusa
Erik Cudd
John Kaufeld
Jason Embleton
Mark Savage
Bob Kinnison (And by the way, Bob, I agree; the other one did make my butt look big. Thanks.)
And what is the prize, you ask?
What is the prize each of these worthy writers will receive?
Allow me to tell you a story. Ten years ago, Dean Rotbart hosted a party for the world’s most prominent financial journalists on the floor of the New York Stock Exhange and Wizzo was asked to speak for a few moments to this illustrious group of columnists, publishers and newscasters.
The parting-gift each guest received at the end of that unforgettable evening was a special edition, inscribed memorial hardback copy of the first book in the Wizard’s Destinae trilogy, Free the Beagle. There are only 500 of these slim, green-and-tan hardbacks in all the world. All but a few ride high on the lofty bookshelves of important broadcasters and journalists.
That book, as you know, features my mate, Intuition.
You guessed it. There are just enough copies of this special-edition memorial hardback to present to each of the writers named above. Della will contact you by email to get a mailing address from you. Look for your book to appear in your mailbox shortly after Thanksgiving. (I take the choosing of a new hat very seriously and I appreciate your help.)
When I say, “There will be prizes,” I am not making this up.
Indiana Beagle
PS – Intuition says Hi