Gosh, a lot of people tried to guess my name last week.
Some names were guessed many times,
others were guessed only once.
These are the names that have been guessed.
Some of them are excellent guesses.
All of them are wrong:
Ace the Wonder Dog, Airbud, Amadeus, Arooo, Asta, Astro, Barnaby, Baskerville, Bear, Beasley, Beethoven, Benji, Bigs, Bingo, Blair, Blondi, Blood, Blue, Bogart, Boomer, Bourbon, Brains, Brando, Brinkley, Brutus, Buckley, Bud, Buddy, Bullet, Bullseye, Buster, Butch, Chance, Charlie, Chief, Chopper, Clifford, Copernicus, Crab, Cubby, Cujo, Dave, Deputy Dawg, Digby, Dog, Droopy, Edgar, Edison, Einstein, El Cid, Faith, Fang, Flash, Flush, Fly, Frannie, George, Goofy, Gromit, Harrison, Harvey, Hercules, Hey You, Higgins, Hooch, Hope, Infinity, Intuition, Kerouac, Lad-a-dog, Lassie, Lou, Lucky, Manfred, Max, Michaelangelo, Mike, Milo, Moose, Nanna, Nanook, Nipper, Nunzio, Old Yeller, Otis, Pal, Mr. Peabody, Peanuts, Pete the Pup, Petey, Pluto, Pongo, Porthos, Precious Pup, Prince, Princess Pennie, Raoul, Reservoir, Rin Tin Tin, Roy, Sam, Scooby Doo, Scrappy Doo, Shadow, Shasta, Sherlock, Shiloh, Skip, Skippy, Skywalker, Snoopy, Snots, Sparky, Stretch, Stripe, Strongheart, Terry, The Red Baron, Thor, Thunder, Tige, Toby, Tom Dooley, Toto, Tramp, Underdog, Verdell, Willie, Winn Dixie, Wolfie
Can you guess
the name of the beagle?
Here's last week's clue,
I'm a famous movie dog.
plus a new clue:
email your guesses to Tamara@WizardAcademy.org
You may submit only five guesses each week.
The winner gets every Beagle's dream.
PS. The guess “Reservoir” (above) was very insightful.
If you can figure out why, you're on scent.
I love the smell of the air
when the rain is done, don't you?