I’m feeling colorless, washed out
because of the impenetrable wall of sound that just passed through my mouth. Overwhelming.
I was going to say it tasted like a long row of edgy German flugelhorns, but then I recalled that it’s actually French horns that sound edgy; Flugelhorns glow like tender love in the moonlight. That seems backwards, doesn’t it? Edged French Horns and moonlit German ones?
Anyway, this wine comes at you
all at once. It’s not unpleasant, exactly. It’s just boisterous – without subtlety – a hot pink sport coat worn with black slacks.
Now lets get back to the brass.
Mitolo Jester Shiraz tastes like a long row of French Horns barking an epic movie theme. If you know your horn sounds, it tastes EXACTLY like that French Horn they call a Vienna Horn. Listen to Jester Shiraz in the first video.
This is two different models of Flugelhorn. The first is a standard model
Andy Taylor Flugelhorn and the second is the Andy Taylor Phat Boy. Both are played by my main man, Bill Colletti. That’s William Colletti to you.
Now THIS is the wine I want to taste. If you’ve ever had wine that tastes like this, send me a bottle and I’ll send you something clever in return. Be sure to include your mailing address, okay? Mine is Indiana Beagle,
Wizard Academy, 16221 Crystal Hills Drive, Austin, Texas, 78737
Now listen to this song and send me some wine that tastes like it.
Andy Taylor… Wasn’t he Opie’s Dad?