LOS is a musician, a rapper who can often be seen in company with Vice-Chancellor Whittington.
When he’s not performing, LOS helps to prepare Wizard Academy for classes. I was having lunch with him and Whittington at Hecho en Mexico, a marvelous little place famous for the elegant food of the Mexican interior (not to be confused with Tex-Mex, the common food of the border.)
I was carrying the wizard’s credit card, so I ordered a bottle of wine for the table. The waiter pulled the cork and poured a little of the wine to sample. I pushed the glass across the table and said, “LOS, what do you taste?” He looked at me as he took a sip and kept looking as he took another. Then he tapped the keys on his iPhone and held it up for me while this video played on YouTube.
LOS is a rapper of few words.