Assistant Sommelier Jacob Harrison holds a bottle of 2009 Redman Pinot Noir Reserve sent to us by Rich Carr, an acadgrad and friend. Having tasted this wine, Harrison pronounced Rich “a gentleman of outstanding character and virtue, a witty conversationalist, a generous philanthropist, a sturdy warrior, a budding genius and a fine baritone.” The two men have never met. But Wizzo knows Rich Carr and says, “Harrison is right. It’s all true.”
Mr. Harrison is First Assistant to Head Sommelier Devin Wright, who has a theory that the color of the foil at the tip of the bottle indicates the quality of the wine. We find ourselves relying ever increasingly on the skills of First Assistant Mr. Harrison. Just sayin’.
And nope, I wasn’t making up that bit about The Immortal.
That really is what they’re calling the current Cirque Du Soleil
retrospective about The Mike.