I have an announcement to make.
Drum roll, please…
This week's rabbit was “beat”
and our BeagleSwords were “Peace and Love.”
Next week's rabbit will be too weird for words.
You have been warned.
June 20, 2008
Dear Roy,
It's 1:27AM on Friday after Public Speaking 101 and I can't sleep. The entire experience at Wizard Academy was one giant Broca freak out. And freak he did. As I noted in my Engelbrecht entry, it's difficult to put into words (magical or otherwise) how mind-blowing the class was. “Over delivered” doesn't even come close.
Still, here are some nuggets I'll treasure and nurture:
1. Practice, prepare, rehearse, Repeat. Often.
2. Become less inhibited.
3. Buy credibility through planned self-disclosure.
4. Open BIG. Step out of my ENFP-ness and be willing to say that which other people are thinking, but not saying.
5. Percolate about a class to teach at W.A.
Please give a gigantic 'atta girl' to Pennie for transporting me back to the days of Cervantes and lost chivalry. Oh, by the way, after attending P.S.101 all my hair grew back in. How 'bout that?
Roy, don't change a thing.
Heartfelt & brainfelt thanks,
P.S. 98% of this letter is the truth.
2% I made up for effect…