From: Gary Bloomer
Date: July 9, 2007 7:54:58 AM CDT
Subject: They Have a Word For It
Dear Barry,
I'm well aware that it's nigh on impossible to e-mail Roy directly, so Iwonder if perhaps you'd be kind enough to pass this message on to him.The book referred to in this morning's Monday Morning Memo “They Have a WordFor It” came from me. I sent it about two years ago and had presumed it hadgot lost in the mail as I never heard that it had arrived.
However, now I know it's safe and being enjoyed. Why did I send it?
As a thank you for everything you've taught me via your MMMs, your books,and your insight. Who knows, perhaps one day I'll manage to scrape togetherthe cash to attend one of your Magical World seminars.
Until then, I'm thrilled that the book arrived and that it's being read.
Next time, I'll scribble a note on the inside of the cover.
Kind regards,
Gary Bloomer
Note from the Wizard: My friend Gary points out an interesting thing: “I sent it about 2 years ago and had presumed it had got lost in the mail as I never heard that it had arrived.” Ouch. Gary touches one of my greatest faults. I am chronically and tragically delinquent in the saying of thanks.
I would promise to try and do better but I know I would be telling a lie.
Can you forgive me this glaring fault?
I am the recipient of numerous thoughtful gifts, all of which are appreciated, but few of which are ever acknowledged by me. I apologize. But I do not say I will do better in the future. Writing is difficult for me and if I were to compose notes of acknowledgment (that I would be willing to actually send,) I would have time for little else. Yes, I am a weak and thoughtless person, but I admit it. Doesn't that buy me a tiny bit of forgiveness? RHW