Meet Daniel Whittington, the new Vice-Chancellor of Wizard Academy. Daniel can be reached at 512-295-5700 and by email at
In the video below, Daniel and the wizard talk about needing people to fund some additions to the academy business office (built by
Alex Mandossian,) but I don’t really think it’s about the furniture.
My theory is that Wizzo wants Daniel to begin gathering a self-selected group of advisors around him so that Daniel can make dazzling decisions about classes, instructors and special events in the days to come. Watch the video. Wizzo is wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Heh, heh, heh.
– Indy
Written 62 years ago in 1951, The Old Man and the Sea is Hemingway’s final work. The book was published in its entirety in Life magazine on September 1, 1952, and five million copies were sold in two days. It was also published in book form on September 1, 1952, with the first edition being only 50,000 copies. The novel received the Pulitzer Prize in May 1953, and was specifically cited when Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.