“There is no frigate like a book
to take us lands away.”
– Emily Dickinson
are my favorite portals.
The sculpture below is called
Journeys of Imagination.
It will soon be mounted in the center of
the McInnis Stardeck at the top of the Academy Tower.
Note the little boy at the base of the pillar, reading a book.
That boy is flying on wings of paper.
(The bronze/paper airplane is 5 feet long, by the way.)
Did Emily Dickinson see this little boy in her mind?
If you'd like to have your name carved into the granite base
on which Journeys of Imagination will be mounted,
all you need to do is donate $1,000 to help us finish the tower.
The tower's doors and windows are being installed now.
Soon it will be time to coat the exterior with acrylic stucco.
That stuff's expensive.
The wizard and I were raised in Oklahoma.
That's why we love Red Green (below.)
He comes from the Oklahoma part of Canada.