Hi Roy –
So, I’m in Washington state producing/shooting the second season of a show about the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife for Animal Planet. Between a day in the mountains going up, down, sideways and diagonally across a variety of rocky, densely vegetated, and/or very steep terrain, with palpable tension as the guys manning the long guns constantly scanned the near and far foliage for ill-intentioned movement, and then another day on a small patrol/chase boat on the Columbia River with nice sight lines and reflections inciting me to shoot the hell out of every contact in a kinetic and cinematic, but physically exhausting fashion, I was granted a day of restful B-roll acquisition.
A couple of my intended “beauty” locations turned out to be inaccessible for annoying reasons, and so I went searching for a nice, high area for panning shots, and ended up at a winery. Or, might have been searching for a winery with a panoramic view. My crew did not object. Enjoyed a particular bottle very much, and thought I’d send a couple along. They should be arriving from Chandler Reach Winery shortly – it’s been about 110 degrees in that part of the state, so they are not shipping as that has an effect on the wine, but once it cools down the wines will be going out. Hope you like them.
Hi to Pennie.
Take care,