Date: Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 5:51 PM
Subject: Exponential Little Bits
Dear Indy,
When you find this note – please pass along to Mr. Wizard my sincere thanks for his recent reminder about ELB’s.
I have been a subscriber to MMM for nearly a decade now. It has changed my thinking in so many ways and I am so grateful for it. I have a goal and am growing closer to completing it now.
A few weeks ago, (6? 8?) there was a brief reminder about ELBs near the end of a Memo – it was such an encouragement to me! I am working on a non-fiction book I believe will help many people. It’s easy to fall into mental traps of focusing on how far one has to go – instead of how far one has come – and the little reminder about ELBs suddenly brought things into focus for me. Today I finished two small sections of the book. Small, but they count, and just as I was finishing up – the concept of ELBs hit me again.
Yay! Each page – no matter how many words (today was not a high word count day) but the editing and refining and defining matters and, well, I appreciate Mr. Williams.
Please share my thanks with him when you have the opportunity. I have lost Corrine’s address and your name came to mind since we have had polite email correspondence in the past. (God bless auto complete!)
Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you at the Academy one day.
Bettina Hollingsworth
Murrieta, CA