Proud Dad Moments
They don’t hand you an owner’s manual. The feedback loop is a little wonky at best. Your intentions are good. You do your best, but how do you know?
The text read, “Just so you know before I tell you this, I’m caught up on my studies. But I won 9 beers last night by winning beer pong games. Please be proud of me. LOL. People call me a robot because I rarely miss.”
I was proud of the robot and told him so. And, he was the one that wanted a “Moose” for a roommate like I had. I was glad he got the boring guy.
Did I get this right? My dad didn’t, I didn’t. My dad wanted an Engineer, me not so much. Moose and I had too much fun that first year. I was only able to try again the second year because I was on the Dean’s guest list. The Dean made a mistake; he shouldn’t have invited me back.
Dad never let me forget that until I bought him a new laptop. But, that’s a different story. Dad was proud of the man I became. He never said it but he showed it. He loved me like I love my son. He never got an owner’s manual either, his dad left him too early. He did his best and it was definitely good enough for me. Thanks Dad!
At least my son was enjoying his program, making new friends and getting the marks he needed. But, maybe I should have made him read the rules.
The phone call started with, “Dad, I think I going to be evicted from residence tomorrow morning before my last exam.” I never expected my son would remove the screen on the window and climb out onto the roof. Who does that kind of crazy stuff? The person in the mirror smiles back at me. My son is the “Roof Guy”. Yes there’s video, of course there is. I’m glad there wasn’t in my day.
He’s grown up a lot in the last four months. He’s not the same kid he was before he left. He’s the “Roof Guy” now. He’s on the dodge ball team, and he never played sports in high school. He’s getting better grades than he did in high school, and he’s found a new place to live. He read the rules this time, and signed the lease.
Now he knows they are truly his decisions to make and decisions have consequences. He is starting to write his life’s story and I am proud of him. Yes, I still want to protect him, but I know I can’t protect him from himself. What I know is, he is a young man now and soon will be smarter than the old man.
His latest roommate only lasted a week. He will probably end up with another one. Will it be Moose this time?
With a little bit of fear I anticipate semester two.
I am 4th from the left in the back row of this Year 1 Residence picture. Moose is directly below me in the red shirt.