Pennie showed Wizzo the email.
Wizzo responded to Jean:
I truly appreciate the idea and your warm intentions but feel confident we would
just be setting up a complaint department.
And frankly, I don’t feel like standing trial again for crimes I haven’t committed.
Even if 150 or 200 deeply sympathetic neighbors crammed into Tuscan Hall
with nothing but love in their hearts and a desire to help us, it wouldn’t
get us where we need to go.
Stay with me:
I did not make a complaint.
I did not make a threat.
I made a decision.
This is not about the banner.
The banner incident was just a wake-up call.
According to Texas State Law, to secure the property from
malicious intruders, I must first post No Trespassing signs
and make sure that everyone knows they have no right to
our property. This opens the door for charges of Criminal Trespass.
There is no other way.
Many of the neighbors see us as intruders on “their” land.
This has always been obvious. They’ve made no secret of it.
When everyone has been notified that admission to the property
will be by invitation only, we’ll be free to issue visitors passes
to neighbors whose hearts are in the right place.
This isn’t about punishing anyone. This is about securing our
property from malicious visitors.
For 5 and 1/2 years we tried being open and generous in the hope
that people would learn to respond in kind. A handful of gracious
neighbors were deeply appreciative but far too many remain angry
that the land was purchased and developed. Yes, they’ve stayed mad
for 5 and 1/2 years. What have we done that is so wrong?
To agree to a meeting with the Property Owners Associations
would make it appear that decisions regarding our property are decisions
subject to agreement by “the group.” And even though some of
our neighbors on Crystal Hills Dr. might like to think they have created their own
private socialist society like Sweden (which is a delightful country by the way,)
16221 Crystal Hills Dr. is in America, land of the free, home of the brave.
(And purple mountains majesties above the fruited plains.) =)
God bless America, that wonderful land where citizens can own,
maintain and defend private property.
Let your friends know they’ll be able to get visitors passes
that will let them walk the property.
We just won’t be issuing passes to people we don’t like.
We can chat about it if you like, just don’t ask me to
change my mind. I’ve given this long and careful thought and
I’m not acting in anger. I’m just weary of trying to win group
support for decisions I have the moral and legal right to make alone.
By the way, you’re free to share this email with whomever you like.
I’m very anxious to know if Andrew filed to run for the State Legislature.
He never said clearly that he had decided to do it.
Did he?
Roy H. Williams