I am so hungry. I could eat a horse – this kitten better watch out. And it’s so cold out here, and it’s starting to rain. I doubt I’ll get any chance for rest or shelter for while. This kitten will probably be dry and fed before I am! And to think it was all a bid for power and control of my own life that led me here, I just wanted a chance to establish my own image that everyone would look up to. Hah! That sure backfired. The further I go down this road, the more all I see is everyone else’s image of me, of someone that looks like this, growing like a wall higher and higher, closing me in, forcing my actions. All day long having to smile at those in proximity like everything’s all right, so they’ll give me what I want. But do I really want it? What would it be like to be free? What would it take to be free? What if I just walked off the set right now? Andre, I think my mascara’s running, come fix me up. And someone take this darn animal before my allergies kick in.
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More Kitten Stories deeper in the rabbit hole – Indy