Hunter S. Thompson to Richard Nixon:
“Let me ask you a question, sir: what is this country doing for the doomed?
There are two kinds of people in this country, the doomed and the screwheads.
I was never really frightened by the bopheads, and the potheads with their silliness
never really frightened me either, but these goddamn screwheads, they terrify me.
And the poor doomed — the young, and the silly, the honest, the weak,
the Italians — they're doomed, they're lost, they're helpless,
they're somebody else's meal, they're like pigs in the wilderness.”
“The Nixon I remembered was absolutely humorless;
I couldn’t imagine him laughing at anything.
Except maybe a paraplegic who wanted to vote Democratic
but couldn’t quite reach the lever on the voting machine.“
– Hunter S. Thompson