This week's rabbit hole theme
was “poetic perspective.”
I got no idea what the Monday Memo BeagleSword was.
I wasn't paying attention.
Don't tell the wizard and I'll owe you one.
The wizard can be a real jerk sometimes, ya know what I mean?
Like when he shared his findings about radio ads vs. newspaper ads.
Who cares, right?
Well, this one guy sent the wiz an email
and it miraculously got through the spam filters:
Interesting test, newspaper vs. radio, but hits on the website don't feed the bulldog. The real test is how many became buyers?
If you don't respond, I'll figure you don't know.
Well, that last part kinda pissed the wiz off
so he does his wizard thing and finds out the guy is
connected to a newspaper. So he sends the guy a nice email
and then permanently unsubscribes his happy ass from gettin' any more Memos.
Seriously, Barry-the-web-guy hooked him up with a button that nukes people from ever gettin' the Monday Morning Memo again.
I mean, what's up with that?
So really. I mean it. Don't tell the wizard I wasn't payin' attention.
Oh, wait a minute. I just remembered.
The beagle's word was “motive.”