“The hunter who wanders through these lands
sees sights which ever afterward remain fixed
in his mind…. Apart from this, yet mingled with it,
is the strong attraction of the silent places,
of the large tropic moons, and the splendor of the new stars;
where the wanderer sees the awful glory of sunrise and
sunset in the wide waste spaces of the earth, unworn of man,
and changed only by the slow change
of the ages through time everlasting.”
– Theodore Roosevelt
Khartoum, Africa
March 15, 1910
The photo of Wizard Academy's bronze Quixote (above)
was taken by the famous fashion photographer William Justin Black
during last year's Photographer's Round Table at Wizard Academy.
(Black's original is much sharper, but when I added the crescent moon in Photoshop I reduced the photo's contrast to create a feeling of twilight. – RHW)
Ryan Carter (left) took the photo of William Justin Black (right)
and Black took the photo of Ryan Carter.
Ryan is from Idaho and William is from Georgia.
Gosh-we've-got a cool group of Alumni.