Rickrolling is an Internet meme involving the the 1987 Rick Astley song “Never Gonna Give You Up”. The meme is a bait and switch;
a person provides a hyperlink which is seemingly relevant to the topic
at hand, but actually leads to Astley’s video, widely considered to be
one of the dorkiest videos in the history of the world. The link can
be masked or obfuscated in some manner so that the user cannot
determine the true destination of the link without clicking.
When you are unwittingly led to “Never Gonna Give You Up,”
you are said to have been rickrolled.
Rickrolling came and went in 2006, the fourth year of the 6-year transitionary window into the current “We” cycle of western society. The Wizard says the “We” generation elevated the Rick Astley video to the pinnacle of dorkiness because it exemplifies the posing of the “Me.” Think of that man on the beach who doesn’t walk, but rather moves forward by striking a series of poses. That’s the delusion of “Me.”
– WIKIPEDIA, plus some beagle.
Macy’s rickrolled America in 2008 during the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
How cool is that? (That was an actual question. I’m not sure how cool it was.)