The Vice Chancellor was busy this week taking photos for a video he’ll be sending out soon to Wizard Academy alumni, so he didn’t have much time to hang out with me. I saw part of the video and it’s good. The most entertaining moment of the week was when Daniel saw the Pre-Columbian bowls the wizard purchased from an overcrowded museum collection.
Wizzo will buy anything at auction if it’s selling too cheaply. The stoneware bowls are about a foot wide and 3 inches deep and were made by the Tikal Mayans of the Chicanel era between the time of Alexander the Great
(350 BC) and Jesus of Nazareth (0 BC.) When Princess Pennie chose the one on the left, Wizzo donated the one on the right to Wizard Academy. The Vice Chancellor said, “What am I supposed to do with this?” and Wizzo answered, “I don’t know. Put it on a table in Spence Manor or Engelbrecht House.”
I say these bowls were made by the Tickle Mayans of the Chanel era.
The one on the right was made by Coco Chanel herself.
(Whose description do you like better, Wizzo’s or mine?)
Although he was busy,
the BritWhit did give me some advice this week…
He said I should start watching Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee…
Jerry Seinfeld goes riding around in strange cars and has coffee with other celebrities. Frankly, it sounds to me like a meeting of the Worthless Bastards: Tom Grimes of Amarillo, Worldwide President Plenipotentiary.
– Indiana