“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” he said. Let’s get singers from all over the world to record their parts at home and send them to us and we’ll assemble them digitally into a worldwide choir.”
“Cool! And we could have everyone videotape themselves singing. We’ll assemble that, too, and post it on YouTube.”
Evidently, Walt was right. It’s a small world after all.
Prepare to be amazed.
The wizard told me not to walk into this one.
Would one of you email Kristin@WizardAcademy.org
and ask her to tell him that I’m stuck in here?
Seriously. Do it and I’ll owe you one.
I’m not even able to make a hyperlink
active from in here so you’ll have to
type Kristin’s address old school.
You’ll do that for me, won’t you?
Gosh, this is embarrassing.
I’m not even able to make a hyperlink
active from in here so you’ll have to
type Kristin’s address old school.
You’ll do that for me, won’t you?
Gosh, this is embarrassing.