Original Soviet Movie Poster (1957)
This is the same year John Steinbeck began his novel
about a modern-day Quixote entitled Don Keehan, Marshal of Manchon.
Poster artist: Manukhin Y, best known as a master of movie posters,
a close friend of Dmitry Krasnopevtsev.
Printed by ReklamFilm, Moscow, 1957
Film – Don Quixote (DON KIKHOT)
The film was awarded the “Femina du Cinema” Prize and the Honorary Diploma of the International Film Festival in Brussels, Belgium (1958); the Honorary Certificate of the 1st International Film Festival in Vancouver, Canada (1958); the Premium for the Best Actor’s Work of the International Film Festival in Stratford, Canada (1958); the Honorary Diploma of the XII International Film Festival in San Sebastiano, Spain (1964); the Special Premium and the Diploma of the Jury of the National Cinema Club Federation at the XII International Film Festival in San Sebastiano, Spain (1964).