Good Morning!
Fairy Name – Gardenia, The Fairy Guardian
My reasoning;
When given the opportunity this morning to name the fairy, many names popped into my head; they just didn’t seem right for her. However, nearing the terminus page to the rabbit hole I saw the picture of Tuscan Hall and the description with the words; “garden of the fairy” and thought ‘You’ve got it wrong, that’s the garden of the Campus’s Fairy Guardian’
Perfect! I thought, Gardenia, the Fairy Guardian is the perfect flower name for a fairy. And she really would be the guardian of the campus so it fits there. Plus, I wonder about the flower she’s holding…it kind of looks like a gardenia flower….
Then I started to do some investigative digging on Wiki…
The genus of the Gardenia was named in part by John Ellis
( and I’d like to think he’s a relative of mine – so there would be two Gardenia’s named by Ellis’s. How cool would that be? Following historical trends here!
Krista Ellis-Smith