Whiners piss me off.
I’m not trying to be shocking or crude,
I’m just trying to make a point.
The reason whiners piss me off, I think, is because they seem to believe that Injustice and Hardship have somehow singled them out for a special beating.
Listen, whiner, everyone is ambushed by catastrophe occasionally. Quit acting like you’re someone special.”
The other people who piss me off are the ones who pretend like they’ve got their lives so together that they live each day with their chins held fearlessly high and their hair blowing carefree in the wind.
I’m convinced those people are posers who desperately want to be admired.
Everyone gets tackled from behind occasionally.
Bad things happen to good people.
Bad things happen to bad people.
Bad things happen to everyone.
So yes, you’re going to get clobbered. You’re going to occasionally find yourself down on your hands and knees, gasping for air and asking, “What just happened to me and how can I make it quit?”
Getting clobbered doesn’t make you special.
Getting back up, dusting yourself off, finding something to smile about, and continuing on your journey, those are the things that make you special.
In the 24th chapter of the ancient book of Proverbs, we read,
“A good man will fall seven times and get back up again.”
It does not say, “A good man never falls.”
So get back up.
Dust yourself off.
Find something to smile about.
And continue on your journey.
By special permission of Indiana Beagle,
Imperial Potentate of the Rabbit Hole,
Supreme Ruler of the Rabbit Hole,
Almighty Omnipotent of the Rabbit Hole,
and Generally in Charge of the Rabbit Hole.